Archive of ‘world’ category

Summoner Academy Summary- ICS16ALV

In a world where it is run by monsters called Rojis, man has created the ability to summon guardian spirits. Guardian spirits appear with your will. They are the greatest part of their master. This has been going on for 180 years. They have developed a league of full-fledged summoners. Scientists have made certain devices to pinpoint a Roji’s exact location before it shows up, though they do not know what exactly they are or who the Guardian Spirits are. That is why the Department of Summoner Research was formed. Yet, to be a summoner you must go through school.

Kitsune is a teenage girl amnesiac (an amnesiac means she lost her memory). Kitsune is quiet, but kind, and she does a lot of thinking. She is very brave, but also worries too much. She lives in poverty with her 3 brothers. They were taken away from their homes during a Roji attack and after they were saved, they were thrown into the streets. After a certain experience, Kitsune is told that she has the gift to be a summoner judged by a summoner himself. She reluctantly goes to Summoner Academy to train to protect her nation. She meets many friends, and she finds that she could be herself around them. But, she keeps the fact that she lived in poverty a secret, considering her 3 best friends were very rich but fun people.

Kitsune summons a big majestic grey wolf with huge pure white angel wings. He is at her loyal side all the time. The 5 of them (Counting her wolf, named Sorakarin) take on many challenges. But, she goes through many experiences that have to do with who she is. Why is the Department of Summoner Research looking for her? Will this cause a burden on her friends, who are intent on keeping her away from the Department? Will she tell them the truth?

There is only one way to find out. I have written most of this story on Wattpad. It currently has 14 chapters, but they’re short. If you want to find out where Kitsune’s journey takes her. If you wish to read more stories like this one go to type in the username, saiyukilover1028.

To go on Wattpad you may need to create an account, so ask a parent if you are allowed to and/or to help you do it. It’s fine if you don’t do that since you’re a teenager. Just putting that out there.


The Tower of Pisa and How it Got Tilted- V.A

Whatever you have heard about the Tower of Pisa and how it got tilted is all a lie.The president at the time and his officials have been keeping this secret for far too long.The people of the world have the right to know. We know it’s true since we have a witness. The protagonist’s friend, or so he thought.
It was a dark and foggy day. Actually, too dark and foggy to be day. A local Japanese girl looked at the newly built tower of Pisa which was at the time straight. She was said to be named Miyu Yakimora. She stared up at the tower and squinted. That’s when they appeared. Demons. Miyu spread out her beautiful angel wings. Her best friend Marco watched the whole thing and recorded it. He was astonished to see his best friend as a power angel. Miyu knew of one way to get rid of the demons. Since she was an angel she could make anything appear so she used that ability to make a rocket. She attached that rocket to the tower and it flew high up into the sky and went out of orbit. The demons got destroyed, but the rocket ran out of fuel and fell back to Earth.It then fell at a spot in Paris and was tilted. That is how the Tower of Pisa became tilted.